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Education Education Youth Youth

Create more great schools

Last updated 3 years ago

We will create more great schools. We will continue to do everything we can to ensure every school is a great school.

Conservative Party Manifesto 2019, p.13

Our verdict

  • We take this promise to “create more great schools” to mean either opening new schools or converting schools to academy or free school status, rather than simply improving already existing schools.
  • The latest figures show 18 new schools have opened under this administration; 82 schools have entered the pre-opening phase since the election (meaning their proposals have received approval from the Department for Education).
  • There are no clear guidelines for deciding whether or not a school is “great” but it certainly can’t be done as soon as a school opens.  Ofsted, the government body responsible for standards in schools, does not inspect new schools until their “third year of operation”, so it will be some time yet before we can say whether this policy is anything other than ‘in progress’.

There's always room for debate

We’re serious about providing clear, up-to-date, non-partisan information. We focus on being consistent and fair in how we reach our verdicts, and always explain our reasoning. But there is always room for debate. So if you see it differently, we’d love you to tell us why. Or even better, submit an edit.


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