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Economy Economy

Forge stronger links with the Commonwealth

Last updated 4 years ago

We will also forge stronger links with the Commonwealth, which boasts some of the world’s most dynamic economies such as India, with which we already share deep historical and cultural connections.

Conservative Party Manifesto 2019, p.57

Our verdict

  • This is a promise to strengthen links between the UK and the 54 member states that make up the Commonwealth.
  • The government has maintained close relationships with leaders of countries such as India, Canada and Australia, and claims its plan to merge the Department for International Development with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office will increase the UK’s global influence, although some groups disagree.
  • The merger is a significant development and we’ll keep tracking its impact, but for now, this policy is ‘in progress’.

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We’re serious about providing clear, up-to-date, non-partisan information. We focus on being consistent and fair in how we reach our verdicts, and always explain our reasoning. But there is always room for debate. So if you see it differently, we’d love you to tell us why. Or even better, submit an edit.


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