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Democracy Democracy

Oppose a second independence referendum in Scotland

Last updated 4 years ago

We are opposed to a second independence referendum and stand with the majority of people in Scotland, who do not want to return to division and uncertainty.

Conservative Party Manifesto 2019, p.45

Our verdict

  • There is no direct promise in the manifesto to ‘prevent’ a second Scottish referendum on independence, but whenever it is mentioned it is to emphasise that the government is opposed to the idea and rules it out as a possibility. The Scotland Act 1998 is widely interpreted as requiring UK government approval before any  referendum on Scottish independence can proceed.
  • In December 2019, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon requested the power to hold an independence referendum, but was turned down by Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In October 2020, Johnson reiterated his opposition, saying the issue had been “settled” by the 2014 referendum.
  • The government has maintained its opposition to a second Scottish independence referendum, so this policy is ‘done’.

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