Protect places of worship
Last updated 3 years ago
Conservative Party Manifesto 2019, p.20We will [...] protect places of worship.
Our verdict
- This is a promise to ensure places of worship are safe and secure spaces for those who wish to use them.
- From 15 March to 28 June 2020, the government held a consultation on protecting places of worship, looking at the scale of the challenge, the requirements of various groups, and ways to improve security. The consultation feedback is currently being analysed. The government’s Consultation Principles state that its response to a consultation should be published “within 12 weeks of the consultation or provide an explanation why this is not possible”. We have found no response and no explanation of the absence of a response.
- Despite having consulted on this pledge, the government has failed to move it forwards in the past year, contrary to its own stated principles. A policy cannot be said to be ‘in progress’ indefinitely when there is, in fact, no evidence of further progression, so we are reverting to a status of ‘not started’.
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