Require new arrivals to contribute to the funding of the NHS
Last updated 4 years ago
Conservative Party Manifesto 2019, p.23We will require new arrivals to contribute to the funding of the NHS...
Our verdict
- This is a promise to make newly arrived immigrants contribute to the overall funding of the NHS.
- Payment of the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS), calculated to cover average NHS costs, is compulsory for many immigrants when making visa applications. The March 2020 Budget announced that from October 2020, European nationals will also be required to pay the charge, and the amount is being raised from £400 to £624 per year from January 2021.
- Many new arrivals were already required to contribute to the funding of the NHS when applying for visas, as well as through general taxation, but the announcement of changes to the IHS is evidence that this policy is ‘in progress’.
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