Bring forward a Social Housing White Paper
Last updated 4 years ago
Conservative Party Manifesto 2019, p.30As Boris Johnson has promised, we will bring forward a Social Housing White Paper which will set out further measures to empower tenants and support the continued supply of social homes. This will include measures to provide greater redress, better regulation and improve the quality of social housing.
Our verdict
- This a pledge to publish a Social Housing White Paper, a follow-up to the 2018 Social Housing Green Paper, which was prompted by the devastating fire at Grenfell Tower in London in 2017.
- The white paper was delayed due to COVID-19, but was eventually published on 17 November 2020, and does contain measures to address the areas outlined in the manifesto promise.
- The white paper has been published and was broadly welcomed by the housing sector and interested parties, so this policy is ‘done’.
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